
Monday 21 October 2019

The Family with Great Loyalty Makes a Good House Hold

The Family with Great Loyalty Makes a Good House Hold

A family with great loyalty and respect signifies to me an honourable family.

For me loyalty and trust is a crucial part of a family. Loyal family members show respect and would not hide secrets from each other. For example, one time my brother had a bad grade in one of his subjects, instead of lying about his dreadful grade, he told the truth with no hesitance because he trusted my parents to respond appropriately. Without loyalty and trust between my family members we would be very separated and would not know anything about each other’s lives.

Aroha/Love is said to be the key to eternal happiness. Love is the glue that bond our family members together. When Mum was very sick, my family and I  took care of her and prayed for her with love. Without love we would not show sympathy to each other and would be unable to connect to other people.

In my family I find our relationships sometimes complicated. Though I don’t think my family is perfect, I do believe we have a good enough relationship that I can use my family to show what a good family would be like.
Image result for family

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